projects+gallery helped bring For Freedoms sign workshops to public and student groups throughout St. Louis city
In conjunction with their current group exhibition Cry of Victory and Short Walks of Freedom, curated by Modou Dieng, projects+gallery helped realize several public For Freedoms yard sign and poster workshops this month at local institutions including COCA (Center of Creative Arts), the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis – in collaboration with the Pulitzer Arts Foundation – the Forsyth School, the Sam Fox School of Art and Design, the Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis University, Webster University and Wydown Middle School.
The workshops involved the completion of signs and/or posters designed with the phrases “Freedom For __”, “Freedom From __”, “Freedom To __” and “Freedom Of __”, which participants could complete with words that reflected their sense of what our civil liberties mean.
While some signs have been displayed outdoors in publicly visible areas adjacent to their respective workshops, some of the posters have been hung in projects+gallery, amidst the current exhibition.
The workshops complement For Freedom’s 50 State Inititative, which has brought artist-designed billboards to every state in the US. The mission of this nation-wide project and the organization itself is to “use art as as vehicle for participation to deepen public discussions on civic issues and core values.”
Workshops will continue to take place at our partnering institutions over the next month, until the exhibition closes on November 24.