New Year, New You, New Art

New Year, New You, New Art

New Year, New You, New Art

Ready to refresh the spaces you love the most, especially now that we are spending more time in them? It is our pleasure to provide guidance through tailored advisement and curated collection highlights. Keep reading to find artists in our collection that fit your style!


Are You a Minimalist?

Minimalism, in both art and design, centers around the idea of eliminating excess and making room for essential components. A focus on materials and the elegance of intersecting planes and objects in proximity to one another define the minimalist aesthetic.


Christine Corday

American artist Christine Corday engages a materials practice that utilizes the evolving human scale of perception and fundamental forces. Corday’s compositions are materially informed and informing; allowing awareness of perceptual bias as well as broadening sensory engagement with touch and the indexical register of memory on their material surfaces.

Richard Serra

One of the most significant artists of his generation and considered a leader of the Minimalism movement, Richard Serra is best known for large-scale abstract steel sculptures, whose substantial presence forces viewers to engage with the physical qualities of the works and their particular sites.

Erik Niedling

German artist Erik Niedling’s works revolve around the construction of history and the index of that history through the processes of archiving, organizing and preservation. In his Pyramid Painting series, Niedling uses soot from his own torched artworks as a coloring agent for newly generated artworks.